Too Easy Chocolate Cookies


Here is another quick, simple ‘chuck the ingredients into the blender, whiz on high and bake’ recipes. These cookies have become my fave recently because they aren’t too sweet and the cocoa satisfies my chocolate craving urges just perfectly. I also discovered that pure unsweetened organic cocoa has 1.8mg of iron per tablespoonful, which was music to my ears. 15 mins is all you need on your hands to whip these together, truly making them too easy.

Ingredients for a batch of 8-10:
Large free range egg
100g dates
100g desiccated coconut
100g ground pecan nuts
60ml hazelnut butter
2 tbsp cocoa
2 tbsp coconut oil

– preheat your oven to 170 degrees

– put all ingredients into your blender or food processor and whiz on the highest setting until the dough comes together

– shape your dough into little cookie rounds and place on a baking tray. You won’t need to grease the tray first as a fair bit of oil will come from the dough. Bake for 10 mins


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