Liquid breakfast for me and the boy


When hubby and I first went Paleo two and a half years ago, we got really into bulletproof coffee. It entails chucking a black Americano into the whizzer, along with a big knob of unsalted butter and a dash of coconut oil. Sounds a bit weird but don’t knock it until you’ve tried it! Trust me, this drink is better than any skinny latte Starbucks could whip you up. I drank them daily for months and loved the kick start to my morning. The combination of caffeine and good fats not only tastes amazing, but is magical for getting the metabolism going. This drink satisfies me until lunchtime.

Around Xmas 2012 I knew I’d developed new food intolerances, so went to see our allergy nurse a few days before new years. She delivered a huge blow: I’d need to exclude coffee, cocoa, cashew nuts and butter. I didn’t know about the wonders of ghee back then, which is butter that has been clarified and the milk proteins removed. What would I do without my caffeine crutch; my chocolate pick me ups and my favourite nuts?!

I was super strict with my elimination diet for a couple of months, at which point I was able to start reintroducing the problem foods. Then I had to be careful not to overdo them. Shortly after this I became intolerant of a handful of other things, and had to do another diet. This is why I’m on GAPS – elimination diets are boring and annoying in equal measure. Hopefully once my gut lining is healed and my good gut bacteria is winning against the bad, food intolerance will become a thing of the past!

So anyhoooo, on with the recipes for mine and baby boy’s current breakfast of choice!

Bulletproof Coffee
Make yourself a black coffee, then pour it into your blender. Add 30g of unsalted butter or 2 tbsp of home made ghee and a tbsp of coconut oil. Feel free to add a dash of honey if you need some sweetness. A little drop of vanilla is also fab. Whiz on high for a few seconds and voila – the perfect coffee (in my humble opinion anyway!)

Carrot Juice
Baby boy is doing well with his weaning. For his breakfast every morning, he’s been having carrot juice which he absolutely loves! Yesterday’s concoction was half a carrot, a slice of apple, half an apricot and a few shreds of cabbage. We don’t have a juicer so the way I make this is by chucking all ingredients into the blender, covering with about 50ml of water and whizzing on high until fully combined. I then pass it through a fine mesh sieve and am left with juice that looks like the photo above.


14 thoughts on “Liquid breakfast for me and the boy

  1. You are seriously super amazing! That carrot juice is inspired! I am going to have to give that one a go…I always assumed that as I didn’t have a juicer I wouldn’t be able to do anything like that. So dumb!

    • You are not dumb at all lovely, far from it! A juicer is one appliance too many for me…I think it would tip my poor hubby over the edge 😉

  2. That coffee is like nothing I’ve ever heard of! Just wow. Thanks so much for linking up with #recipeoftheweek. Sorry I was slow getting over for this one. I’ve pinned it to my food board and a tweet will go out shortly 🙂

  3. Wow read about this coffee before and love a shot of coconut oil in mine. Caffeine really hates me so I stick to decaff (the quality stuff though). So sorry to hear you have had a nightmare with food intolerances. Just finished Wheat Belly that was fascinating as wheat has never agreed with me. I indulged a lot in Greece and although the bread and cakes were delicious, I got tummy ache and was bloated after. Back to eating healthily and limiting wheat now! Fab post and thanks for linking up to #tastytuesdays x

    • Coconut oil in coffee is just fab. Wheat Belly sounds like a good read, I’ll have to add it to my ever growing list 😉

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